Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Study Guide Answers

A few people have asked if I'm going to post "answers" to the study guide for Exam 2.

Short answer = no.

Less short answer = The "answers" are already posted. For Exam 1 I posted specific sample multiple choice questions, so there was an answer key. For Exam 2 (and likely Exams 3 & 4...), I posted a study guide that contains open-ended questions. The answers to these questions are contained in the slides I used in class and/or the assigned readings from the textbook. By posting questions this way, I hope to encourage you to think about many of these concepts a little more broadly rather than focus on picking the exact right answer from a list of possible choices.

For those of you who may be a little anxious that the exam will be a whole different format than Exam 1, fear not; your actual exam will still be multiple choice. By preparing for the exam with open-ended questions, you will be better prepared to answer a variety of multiple choice questions on each topic rather than just answer the exact questions you have studied. Some of the study guide questions will probably show up on the exam as multiple choice questions, but by preparing for those questions without the restriction of a specific set of multiple choice options, you will be better prepared to succeed.

If you really want to see something that looks like answers to some of the questions on the study guide, many of these can be found in one of these links:

Good luck.

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